Photograph Categories:
- Countries (70)
- Afghanistan (3)
- Albania (1)
- Bangladesh (2)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (1)
- Brazil (2)
- Chile (1)
- China (3)
- Colombia (3)
- Cuba (2)
- Democratic Republic of Congo (2)
- Ecuador (6)
- Egypt (4)
- El Salvador (3)
- Ethiopia (5)
- Guinea Bissau (3)
- Haiti (2)
- Lebanon (1)
- Mexico (2)
- Mozambique (1)
- Namibia (1)
- Nicaragua (2)
- Occupied Palestinian Territory (3)
- Panama (2)
- Peru (3)
- Philippines (3)
- Serbia (2)
- Sudan (2)
- Tunisia (1)
- Uruguay (1)
- Vietnam (3)
- Regions (70)
- Africa (12)
- Arab States (11)
- Asia (14)
- Eastern Europe (4)
- The Americas (29)
- Thematic Areas (70)
- Children, Food Security and Nutrition (14)
- Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (13)
- Culture and Development (12)
- Democratic Economic Governance (3)
- Development and the Private Sector (7)
- Environment and Climate Change (10)
- Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (5)
- Youth, Employment and Migration (6)
- UN Agencies (70)